Training Video

Getting Started with Partnerize


Here at Partnerize, our mission is simple, to turn partnerships into profit centers.

Founded in 2010, Partnerize is a partner marketing platform, connecting hundreds of leading brands with thousands of partners globally! Our real-time and industry first technology now manages more than $7 billion in partner programs, and pays out more than $600 million to partners worldwide, annually.

The training video below will help you get set up for success, taking you through the key areas of the Partnerize platform, demonstrating how Partnerize can work for you.

The training video covers: Partner Profile, Platform Settings, Dashboard, Joining Campaigns, Tracking Links (+ our useful Quicklink Chrome extension), Reporting & Analytics, and how to withdraw your approved commission.

For more detail, you can read the accompanying Knowledge Base article. You’ll need to sign in using your Partnerize account details. 

If you’re not currently working with Partnerize, let’s have a conversation! You can reach out to our global support team here, or you can sign up for a Partnerize Partner Account below.

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